Experts in Cargo Transport Worldwide
We are a company with over 20 years of experience in the forwarding and logistics industry. This means we understand the industry requirements and have reliable partners around the world to provide personalized service within the agreed timeframe. Our goal is to optimize and improve your supply chain at every stage and take care of your cargo.
We specialise in offering a distinctive Cargo logistics service
Tailor-made shipments
A personalized service for each client's needs.
High quality standards
Efficiency and coordination in every aspect of the transportation process.
Your cargo
on time
We adhere to the delivery times agreed with the client.
Global scope
We work with a strong network of freight forwarders and logistics partners around the world.

January-February-March 2023
April-May-June 2023
July-August-September 2023
October-November-Dicember 2023
-. We are formalized as a freight forwarding company.
-. LFS-EU and Mail Boxes Barceloneta start to operate together.
-. OT Authorisation to move Pallets
-. LFS-EU official web site was launched
-. Launch of strategy for MBE training in Costumer Services
-. Investment in external consultancy to optimise resources and make them more efficient.
-. Growth of the Commercial departament.
-. We became a member of AON AMG Network
-. Investment in Strategic Planning.
-. We participated in AON AGM's annual networking event in Barcelona.
-. Investment in boosting digital transformation.